Andreas Abele
Andreas Abele studied Latin and History at the University of Tübingen and graduated in 2012 (First State Examination). Since then he has worked as a Research Assistant at the Department of Classics at the University of Tübingen where he also received his PhD with a thesis on the reception of emperor Julian the Apostate on the Jesuit stage (Jeremias Drexel SJ: Iulianus Apostata Tragoedia. Edition, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Berlin/Boston 2018.).
His other main research interests lie in the field of late antique Latin epistolography (esp. Symmachus) and the narrativity of late antique and early Medieval Latin hagiographies.
He is the author of "Latein und/oder Deutsch? Zur Wahl der Sprache im geistlichen Spiel des Reformations- und konfessionellen Zeitalters", in: A. Gil / R. Kirstein (Eds.), Wissenstransfer und Translation. Zur Breite und Tiefe des Übersetzungsbegriffs, St. Ingbert 2015, 59–83.