Silvio Bär
Silvio Bär studied in Zurich and Oxford (Classics, musicology, English philology) and has been Professor of ancient Greek at the University of Oslo since 2014.
His research areas and interests include epic, tragedy, poetry, the novel, mythography, rhetoric, the Second Sophistic, intertextuality, narratology, and the reception of antiquity in English literature and popular culture.
Bär is considered a leading expert on Quintus of Smyrna and has published a partial commentary on Posthomerica Book 1 (Quintus Smyrnaeus. »Posthomerica« 1: Die Wiedergeburt des Epos aus dem Geiste der Amazonomachie. Mit einem Kommentar zu den Versen 1–219, 2009 [PhD 2008]). He has co-edited two collected volumes (Quintus Smyrnaeus: Transforming Homer in Second Sophistic Epic, 2007; Brill’s Companion to Greek and Latin Epyllion and Its Reception, 2012).
Currently, he is, inter alia, working on a research report on Quintus of Smyrna (for the journal Lustrum) and writing a monograph on Heracles (working title: Heracles in Greek and Latin Hexameter Poetry: Studies on the Narrativity and Poeticity of a Hero).