Structures of Epic Poetry (Epische Bauformen), Compendium in four volumes; De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2019

Volume I: Foundations © De Gruyter
Christiane Reitz and Simone Finkmann, Introduction | 1
Part I: Theories of epic
Philip Hardie, Ancient and modern theories of epic | 25
Joseph Farrell, The narrative forms and mythological materials of classical epic | 51
Egbert Bakker, Learning the epic formula | 81
Robert Kirstein, Andreas Abele, Hans-Peter Nill, Narratology and classical epic | 99
Christiane Reitz, Epic and rhetoric | 115
Gregor Bitto, Alexandrian book division and its reception in Greek and Roman epic | 133
Part II: Classification and genre
Annemarie Ambühl, Intergeneric influences and interactions | 167
Jason Nethercut, History and myth in Graeco-Roman epic | 193
Abigail Buglass, Giulia Fanti, Manuel Galzerano, Didactic and epic: origins, continuity, and interactions | 213
Alison Sharrock, Ovid’s Metamorphoses: the naughty boy of the Graeco-Roman epic tradition | 275
Silvio Bär and Elisabeth Schedel, Epic fragments | 317
Simone Finkmann, Narrative patterns and structural elements in Greek epyllia | 357
Nicola Hömke, Epic structures in classical and post-classical Roman epyllia | 443
Part III: Core structures
Claudia Schindler, The invocation of the Muses and the plea for inspiration | 489
Andrew Zissos, Closure and segmentation: endings, medial proems, book divisions | 531
Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, ‘Almost-episodes’ in Greek and Roman epic | 565
Anke Walter, Aetiology and genealogy in ancient epic | 609
Christiane Reitz, Cédric Scheidegger Lämmle, Katharina Wesselmann, Epic catalogues | 653
Ursula Gärtner and Karen Blaschka, Similes and comparisons in the epic tradition | 727
Stephen Harrison, Artefact ekphrasis and narrative in epic poetry from Homer to Silius | 773
Volume II: Configuration
Part I: Battle scenes
Christiane Reitz and Simone Finkmann, Battle scenes in ancient epic – a short introduction | 3
Christiane Reitz, Arming scenes, war preparation, and spoils in ancient epic | 13
Claire Stocks, Simply the best? Epic aristeiai | 39
Joy Littlewood, Single combat in ancient epic | 77
Jan Telg genannt Kortmann , Mass combat in ancient epic | 111
Hans-Peter Nill , Chain-combats in ancient epic | 159
Marco Fucecchi, Teichoscopies in classical and late antique epic | 207
Martin Dinter, Simone Finkmann, and Astrid Khoo, Nyktomachies in Graeco-Roman epic | 245
T. J. Bolt , Theomachy in Greek and Roman epic | 283
Thomas Biggs , Naval battles in Greek and Roman epic | 317
Thomas Biggs , River battles in Greek and Roman epic | 355
Paul Roche, Flight, pursuit, breach of contract, and ceasefire in classical epic | 391
Helen Lovatt, Epic games: structure and competition | 409
Martin Dinter , Death, wounds, and violence in ancient epic | 447
Antony Augoustakis, Stephen Froedge, Adam Kozak, and Clayton Schroer, Death, ritual, and burial from Homer to the Flavians | 483
Part II: Journeys and related scenes
Christiane Reitz and Simone Finkmann, Epic journeys and related scenes – a short introduction | 3
François Ripoll, Arrival and reception scenes in the epic tradition from Homer to Silius | 13
Anja Bettenworth, Banquet scenes in ancient epic | 55
François Ripoll, Scenes of departure by sea in the epic tradition from Homer to Silius | 89
Thomas Biggs and Jessica Blum, Sea-storms in ancient epic | 125
Part III: Time
Christiane Reitz and Simone Finkmann, Time in ancient epic – a short introduction | 171
Otta Wenskus, Time in Greek epic | 183
Anja Wolkenhauer, ‘Time as such’: chronotopes and periphrases of time in Latin epic | 215
Part IV: Space
Robert Kirstein, An introduction to the concept of space in ancient epic | 245
Torben Behm, Cities in ancient epic | 261
Andreas Fuchs, Landscapes in Greek epic | 303
Torben Behm, Landscapes in Latin epic | 325
Markus Kersten, Mythical places in ancient epic | 361
Markus Kersten, Abodes of the gods in ancient epic | 409
Christiane Reitz, Abodes of the dead in ancient epic | 433
Part V: Communication
Christiane Reitz and Simone Finkmann, Principles of communication in Greek and Roman epic – a short introduction | 471
Martin Dinter and Astrid Khoo, Messenger scenes in Greek epic | 481
Simone Finkmann, Messenger scenes in Roman epic | 501
Astrid Khoo, Dream scenes in ancient epic | 563
Deborah Beck, Prophecies in Greek epic | 597
Simone Finkmann, Christiane Reitz, Anke Walter, Prophecies in Roman epic | 615
Christiane Reitz, Apparition scenes in ancient epic | 685
Christiane Reitz, Divine council scenes in ancient epic | 719
Simone Finkmann, Necromancies in ancient epic | 747
Volume III: Continuity
Christiane Reitz and Simone Finkmann, The origin, tradition, and reinvention of epic structures – a short introduction | 1
Johannes Haubold, Poetic form and narrative theme in early Greek and Akkadian epic | 7
Simon Zuenelli, The transformation of the epic genre in Late Antiquity | 25
Berenice Verhelst, Greek biblical epic: Nonnus’ Paraphrase and Eudocia’s Homerocentones | 53
Christoph Schubert, Between imitation and transformation: the (un)conventional use of epic structures in the Latin biblical poetry of Late Antiquity | 79
Martin Bažil, Epic forms and structures in late antique Vergilian centos | 135
Kristoffel Demoen and Berenice Verhelst, The tradition of epic poetry in Byzantine literature | 175
Wim Verbaal, Medieval epicity and the deconstruction of classical epic | 211
Christian Peters, Narrative structures in Neo-Latin epic from 1440 to 1500 | 257
Florian Schaffenrath, Narrative structures in Neo-Latin epic: 16th–19th century | 301
Matteo Romanello, Experiments in digital publishing: creating a digital compendium | 331
Responsible Editors (De Gruyter): Katharina Legutke, Torben Behm; Typesetting: Eric Naujoks, Dr. Jörn Kobes; Digital Index, APP, API: Dr. Matteo Romanello