Joseph Farrell
Joseph Farrell is Professor of Classical Studies and Mark K. and Esther W. Watkins Professor in the Humanities at the University of Pennsylvania, where he has taught since 1984.
He is the author of Vergil’s Georgics and the Traditions of Ancient Epic (New York 1991), Latin Language and Latin Culture from Ancient to Modern Times (Cambridge 2001) and editor of The Vergilian Century (= Vergilius 47, 2001), A Companion to Vergil’s Aeneid and its Tradition (with Michael C. J. Putnam; Malden, MA 2010), and Augustan Poetry and the Roman Republic (with D. P. Nelis; Oxford 2013).
Joseph Farrell is currently working on a new monograph with the title Juno's Aeneid - Metapoetics, Narrativity, Dissent (Princeton University Press).