Martin Bažil

Martin Bažil is the Assistant Professor for Latin Literature at the Institute of Greek and Latin Studies at the Charles University in Prague. Following his studies at Prague and Heidelberg (1991-1998), he completed his DPhil degree at the Charles University and the Université Paris Sorbonne (Paris IV) in 2006 with a thesis entitled Centones Christiani. Métamorphoses d’une forme intertextuelle dans la poésie latine chrétienne de l’Antiquité tardive, which was subsequently published in the Collection des Études Augustiniennes in 2009.

From 2008 until 2010 Martin Bažil was the recipient of a postdoctoral grant from the Czech Science Foundation for his project "Cento - transformation of the intertextual genre and poetic technique in the late Roman literature". He visited the FU Berlin and the LMU Munich as Alexander von Humboldt scholar from 2013 until 2014 and worked as Lecturer at the University of Rostock from 2015 until 2016. Martin Bažil’s research interests are late antique poetry, especially biblical epic and the cento, intertextuality, the translation of ancient texts, and the concept of ‚text’ in Roman literature.

At the moment he is working on a monograph entitled “Textus. The Origin of Concept of Text in Late Roman Literature”. Among Bažil’s latest publications on ancient epic are "La mémoire de la citation. Teneur littérale et évocation implicite dans les centons virgiliens de l’Antiquité tardive", in: D. Vallat (ed.), Varium et mutabile. Mémoires et métamorphoses du centon dans l’Antiquité, Saint-Étienne 2017, 34-44 and "Le Cento nuptialis d’Ausone et Virgile, otage d’un combat herméneutique", in: É. Wolff (ed.), Ausone 2015 – Bilan et perspectives, Paris(in press); "Proba jako historička. Starozákonní dějiny a čtyři věky lidstva v Cento Probae", ZJKF – Auriga 2015, 57/1, 90-107.