Christian Peters

Christian Peters received his M.Ed. in Latin Philology and Ancient History from the University of Münster in 2010 and has since been a Research Associate at the Seminar für Lateinische Philologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit and the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” at the University of Münster. In November 2017, he started working as teacher trainee in Dortmund.
His research interests include political and ideological functions of literature, and the reception and transformation of classical mythology in Neo-Latin literature and Neo-Latin epic poetry.
Christian Peters’ Ph.D. thesis (2014) was published in 2016 ("Mythologie und Politik. Die panegyrische Funktionalisierung der paganen Götter im lateinischen Epos des 15. Jahrhunderts"). He is also the author of „Iustas in iras? Perspectives on Anger as a Driving Force in Neo-Latin Epic“, in: K. Enenkel and A. Traninger (eds.). Discourses of Anger in the Early Modern Period (Intersections 40), Leiden 2015, 261-287; „Mythologie und Politik im neulateinischen Epos“, in: A. Steiner-Weber and K. Enenkel (eds.), Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Monasteriensis, Leiden 2015, 408-419 as well as "verbis phucare tyrannos? - Selbstanspruch und Leistungsspektren von zeithistorischer Epik als panegyrischem Medium im 15. Jahrhundert", in: P. Baker et al. (edd.), Portraying the Prince in the Renaissance. The Humanist Depiction of Rulers in Historiographical and Biographical Texts (Transformation der Antike 44), Berlin 2016, 415-442. He is currently working on a monograph on mirrors of princes in Jesuit emblematics.