Andreas Fuchs
Andreas Fuchs studied Classics and German Philology at the Universities of Mannheim and Oxford (Corpus Christi College). After receiving his doctorate from the University of Mannheim with a thesis on the modern term and the ancient concept of dramatic suspense (Stuttgart 2000), he completed the Second State Examination in 2001.
He has been a Research Associate at the Chair of Latin Studies (Christiane Reitz) at the University of Rostock since 2001.
His current research interests include Cicero's translations and the reception of ancient literature in Germany, especially in the 18th and 19th century. Among his recent publications are (together with Christiane Reitz) Vertere. Zu Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens in der Antike. In: Albrecht Buschmann (ed.). Gutes Übersetzen. Neue Perspektiven für Theorie und Praxis des Literaturübersetzens. Berlin et al. 2015, 35-65 and (together with Julia Frick) Christian Gottlob Heynes Übersetzung von Charitons Kallirhoe (1753). In: Sylvia Brockstieger et. al. (eds.). Zwischen Poetik und Philologie. Übersetzungen und Übertragungen antiker Romane im 18. Jahrhundert (forthcoming).