Florian Schaffenrath
Florian Schaffenrath completed his studies of Latin and Greek at the universities of Heidelberg, Innsbruck, and Siena with a master’s thesis on Cornutus' Theologia Graecorum. His doctoral thesis focused on Ubertino Carrara’s Columbus (Rome 1715), an epic poem in 12 books about the first voyage of Christopher Columbus to the New World.
In the field of Neo-Latin studies, Florian Schaffenrath’s research focuses on epic poetry: Shorter articles deal inter alia with Petrarch’s Africa and Sannazaro’s De partu Virginis. As a member of the research group “Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur in Tirol” (published in 2012), Florian Schaffenrath is also interested in writing regional history of Neo-Latin literature. He has edited several texts and published numerous articles on the subject of the Tirol.
Florian Schaffenrath is a member of the “International Association of Neo-Latin Studies” (IANLS) and of “Die Neulateinische Gesellschaft” (DNG). At the Ludwig Boltzmann Institut (LBI) for Neo-Latin Studies he was Key Researcher in the politics series, before he went to Freiburg University with a fellowship from the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation. In August 2014 he finished his habilitation treatise about Cicero's Philippics and became Associate Professor for Classics at the University of Innsbruck. In September 2014 Florian Schaffenrath succeeded Stefan Tilg as director of the LBI for Neolatin Studies.