Markus Kersten
From 2006 until 2013 Markus Kersten studied Classical Languages and Literature and Mathematics at the universities of Rostock and Groningen.
In 2013, he started his DPhil course at Rostock. His thesis focuses on Lucan’s reception of Vergil’s Georgics in his civil war epic. From February until July 2015 he was based at the University of Oxford as a Visiting Scholar.
Markus Kersten's main research interests are compositional details like allusions and cryptogrammes.
His latest publications on epic poetry are "Ein Akrostichon im zweiten Buch De Bello Civili?, Lucan. 2,600-608", RhM 156 (2013), 161–171; "Cato und die Bienen. Zur Rezeption der vergilischen Georgica in einigen Gleichnissen Lucans", Act. Ant. Hung. 54 (2014), 37–54, and "Über Lucan, Vergil, Naivität und Sentiment. Anmerkungen zum Anti-Vergil", GFA 18 (2015), 239–256.